
Our Theory of Change

Get to Know Us
The Blesser Breakers, a "Sugar Daddy" intervention was started through funding from the Fletcher 2022 D-Prize Competition, an entrepreneurship competition for distributing proven poverty interventions. We deliver a proven and tested sexual intervention curriculum to Grade 8-10 girls in Zambia that aims to reduce risky adult-child sexual relationships, and in turn, reduce the spread of HIV and unwanted pregnancy.
Our intervention consists of a 15-minute animated video screening (or comic book reading when technology is not available), and a facilitated discussion. To implement and distribute our programming, we are partnering with UNICEF the Ministry of Education (for on-the-ground outreach, implementation, facilitators, and facilitator training), the Ministry of Health, Community Child Protection Services, and other local and international organizations in Zambia.
After participating in the Blesser Breakers programming, it is expected that these girls will be able to identify risky cross-generational dating, articulate why it is dangerous, and advocate against it. Likewise, they will be less likely to engage in this risky behavior, reducing their chances of contracting HIV or unwanted pregnancy. Through both direct and indirect impact, Blesser Breakers aims to build a community of resistance, discouraging these types of relationships both on the side of the adult through community outreach and the child..

The Sugar Daddy Awareness program has been implemented with measured success across Africa (including in Kenya, Botswana, Togo, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda, and more), however, it has yet to be introduced widely in the Zambian education system. In Kenya, a clustered randomized control trial showed that Sugar Daddy Awareness programs reduced pregnancy by 28%.6 In Botswana, Youth Impact (another organization born from the D-Prize) also reached over 42,000 youth with their Sugar Daddy Awareness programming and showed a 40% reduction in pregnancy among the program participants compared to peers. Therefore, the purpose of this intervention is to bring awareness to the effects of engaging in cross-generational sexual relationships between underaged girls and adult men and also to evaluate ways that the program can help in the protection of the rights of adolescent girls and young women as stated by the Zambian law, as well as helping with the movement towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 5.

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